Jul 18, 2023Am I entitled to the 485 Visa “Extension”?From 1 July 2023, the duration for the Graduate Visa (485) – Post Study Stream has been increased by two years for international students...
Feb 21, 2023My Skills Assessment Expired. Now what? Skills assessments are valid for three years from the date of assessment unless a shorter period is specified on the assessment, which...
Jan 11, 2021O que você precisa saber sobre o segundo Graduate visa 485.Segundo Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485) Post-Study Stream para estudantes internacionais que estudaram e moraram em área regional.
Jan 11, 2021What you need to know about the second 485 graduate visaSecond Temporary Graduate Visa (subclass 485) post-study work stream for international students who studied and lived in regional Australia
Oct 26, 2020Mistakes to avoid when lodging an Expression of Interest for Skilled VisasMistakes to avoid for you not to waste your invitation or risk having your visa refused!